Thursday, May 21, 2015

Baby Boomers, Adventure, and UFO's 5/21/2015

Baby Boomer Peace
We Baby Boomers grew up with adventure.  I wonder how many people have experienced UFO’s, tried to tell someone about it only to be looked upon as strange or crazy. 
 I was watching a news show today when the pilot for President Obama’s political campaign of 2008 came on to explain a UFO experience he had back in the 80’s while flying Ronald Reagan around.  The pilot was asked why he didn’t relay his experience back in the 80’s and why he has waited so long to tell his story.  He said that he is now retired and he didn’t want to jeopardize his career. He said that he would have likely been dismissed as crazy or at a minimum marginalized by the media.  What he saw during a flight from Kansas City to Memphis was a large silver sliver that wouldn’t stay off his turboprop’s tail.  His co-pilot witnessed it as well.  He said that as he was approaching his destination that whatever it was that was following them quickly swooped up in front of the fuselage, which totally freaked the pilots out and then turned as bright orange as the sun and just as quickly and suddenly, vanished.
 In 1989 when my son Joshua was in the third grade he was given a homework assignment to go view the night sky and identify the constellations.  Joshua and I went out into our cul-de-sac in Village Creek in suburban Encinitas and proceeded to complete his assignment.  It was a moonless night but clear as a bell.  At one point we were looking north towards Carlsbad where from our second floor we could easily see planes approaching the runway at Palomar Airport.  Off in the distance and low on the horizon we saw what looked like a cloud that was moving slowly in our direction.  We thought that was odd since there were no clouds in the sky. Nevertheless whatever it was was was moving directly toward us.
 As we stood and watched this “cloud” get closer we knew it wasn’t a cloud.  It was heart shaped and enormous.  It seemed so low as it flew right over us.  It seemed low enough to hit with a slingshot if we tried.  I would say it couldn’t have been moving faster than maybe fifty miles an hour….maybe even less and couldn’t have been more than a couple hundred yards overhead.  It came directly over us blotting out the sky and didn’t make even a whisper.  It had a blue hue around the edge of the object, again, in the shape of a heart. There were no lights and again, not a sound as it continued on directly over us and past our Eucalyptus trees in the backyard embankment until we couldn’t see it anymore.
 After my son and I picked our jaws up off the ground we just looked at each other.  If a picture was taken of us like a cartoon there would be bubbles over our heads with question marks in them.  We then quickly ran inside the house where my wife was sitting with our daughter watching a television program.  We exclaimed that “we just saw a UFO” upon which the two slowly lifted their eyes from the television and said “really….that’s nice” upon which my son and I looked at each other again realizing they didn’t believe us.  I ran to the phone and called Palomar Airport asking “what was that that just flew over the airport”.  I could hear a beep in the phone so I knew it was being taped.  The answer we got was “nothing flew across our airspace”.  I said thanks and then called Miramar Naval Airport.  I asked the same question and heard the same beep.  The response was “maybe it was a helicopter or a commercial airliner”.
 I knew the direction of the object would have gone directly toward Miramar and all I was getting was some silly response from two air traffic controllers.  My son and I would stand out in our cul-de-sac after that unusual night and watch airplanes way way up in the sky like little dots.  We would see helicopters fly over and hear them from twenty miles away.  We even witnessed the blimps that would fly down the coast for San Diego sporting events and be able to hear the hum of their engines.  What we saw was beyond enormous and silent as church mouse.
 What my son and I saw was an unidentified flying object.  There’s no other way to explain it. It was flying and certainly it was unidentified.  Had my son not been there to witness it I would have convinced myself by now that I was either hallucinating or was flat out seeing things.  My son was eight years old then.  He is now thirty two and we still talk about it when the past comes up in conversation.  It’s still fresh in both of our memories.
 My daughter is now an acclaimed clairvoyant and spiritual intuitive.  We are preparing to release our second book soon.  In this upcoming book, as she channeled and I asked the questions of the New Testament Authors, the subject of UFO’s came up in our interviews with the Authors John and Jude.  Both experienced actual other beings and wrote about it.  They both said that when Constantine was putting the Bible together three hundred years after the resurrection of Christ the Constantine Council promptly removed any and all of their references to other worldly visitations.  It bummed them out but they refused to discredit the Bible as the real purpose of the Bible is to introduce the validity of God.  Bringing up UFO’s would have been as well accepted as my requests to the air traffic controllers at Palomar and Miramar.
 Life is just so strange.  The older we get the more confused I think we become.  The final answers will come when we pass on to the fourth dimension.  Nevertheless, crazy or not, I’d love to witness another unbelievable occurrence but this time with my camera phone at the ready.  In closing, I was in Culiacan visiting my girlfriend in July of last year.  We went to the highest point in the city to take pictures of the city and each other.  As the sun was setting to our backs and well off on the horizon was a huge statue of Jesus on top of a church.  I pulled my phone out to take a picture and snapped two pictures simultaneously. When we got home we looked at the pictures and that is when I noticed in the second picture of the Jesus shots a shiny dot where it was not in the first picture.  Again, they were taken about a second apart.  I just wish I had taken a third shot. When we blew up the picture the bottom of the “dot” was shiny from the setting sun and the top was a dark gray.  It looked like it was probably banking to the South.

Like I said, life is so strange and when we see strange things we dare not tell anyone otherwise they think you’re crazy like most of you right now are thinking that of me.  Oh well, such is life. The adventures continue.